Sunday, May 3, 2009

So...I'm starting a blog:) I have no idea what I'm doing but we'll see how it goes! I'm leaving on Wednesday to nanny in a suburb outside Washington D.C. and I'm so so excited! It kinda happened really fast, I found out that I was going last Tuesday when I was in California with some friends. I got back Saturday so basically have two days to get's going to be insane! Anyway, I'll update once I'm there!


  1. Mckelle! I love love love this picture for your blog! It just fits perfectly and the background is way cute! I am so excited for you to start your adventures in D.C. ! and I am even more excited that i can share some of that adventure with you! See you in D.C. !

  2. Post some pictures! I love you! Oh, and miss you...alot!
